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UAW Strike Expansion On Hold

United Auto Workers (UAW) president Shawn Fain announced on October 6, they would not expand the strike at the big 3 automakers; Ford, General Motors (GM), and Stellantis.

After almost 4 weeks of strikes, there could be a light at the end of the tunnel, but union workers aren’t quite ready to put down their picket signs at the sites currently still on the walk out.

Fain feels they are getting closer to agreements and may have overcome one of the major points they were fighting for, the inclusion of electric vehicle (EV) battery production. EVs need less people in factories making the product, but more extensive training is needed, which caused significant job security worries with employees.

So far, only GM has agreed to include EVs in their negotiations, but Ford officials said they are “open to the possibility of working with the UAW of future battery plants.” Stellantis also hasn’t yet come to an agreement on EV negotiations, but feel they are progressing and are remaining optimistic on an agreement. There has not been an official agreement and there are still currently about 25,000 workers at 43 auto facilities across the country.

Although this is a step in a positive direction, and the strike didn’t expand last week, doesn’t mean if negotiations aren’t progressing enough in the coming week(s), it won’t.

By - FZ

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