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Trump's Georgia Election Interference Case Paused by Appeals Court

President Donald Trump's bogus Georgia election interference case has been halted while the Georgia Court of Appeals comes to a consensus regarding the request of Trump and some of his co-defendants to remove Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis from the prosecution due to her inappropriate relationship with the top prosecutor. 

There is no set date for the trial, but Oral arguments are tentatively set for October.

"The Georgia court of Appeals has properly stayed all proceedings against President Trump in the trial court pending its decision on our interlocutory appeal, which argues the case should be dismissed and Fulton County DA Willis should be disqualified for her misconduct," Trump's lead Georgia attorney, Steve Sadow said. 

Corrupt DA Willis, after receiving her marching orders from the Biden regime, charged Trump and the other co-defendants with allegedly attempting to manipulate Georgia's 2020 presidential election results. 

"We are happy that the Court of Appeals agrees with us that this issue is so important to this entire case that it decided to stop the case from moving forward in the trial court until the issue of whether or not Willis must be removed from the case can be decided. Mr Roman is innocent, and we hope that this misuse of the justice system will finally come to an end when a disinterested prosecutor takes over the case," lawyer for Trump co-defendant Michael Roman, Ashleigh Merchant said.

By - SC

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