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Texas Didn’t Fold And Sends Their Own Deadline

Updated: Jan 29

Texas did not comply with the order from the federal government to remove the razor wire at Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, Texas by Friday, January 26th Instead, Texas’ Attorney General, Ken Paxton sent a letter to a federal attorney, giving its own demands and deadlines to prove who owns the park.

Paxton is asking the Biden administration show proof supporting their claim that Shelby Park belongs to the federal government through a previous easement by February 15th.

Paxton says that if there is some sort of proof that the federal government owns the area, then Texas would allow Border Patrol back into the area, but until then, Texas will hold it’s ground and will continue to install razor wire along the Rio Grande to stop illegal migrants from entering the U.S.

Paxton said, “For the time being, there’s no injunction, they could come in and cut wire down, that doesn’t mean we have to let them on our property. We have no obligations to let them on our property. They’re claiming now that it’s their property, but I think they just made that up.”

More than 2 dozen Attorney Generals are backing Texas and signed a letter, written by Brenna Bird, Iowa’s Attorney General, to Biden and Mayorkas which included, “What you should do is simple: enforce the law and protect the border. And despite some recent suggestions that you should nationalize control of the Texas National Guard as a ruse, we would like to remind you that you cannot do so without legal authority that you currently lack.

If you cannot bring yourselves to enforce the law, get out of the way so Texas can.” The state is allowing Border Patrol access to the boat launch area so they can patrol the Rio Grande.

By - FZ

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