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Supreme Court Overturns Chevron Doctrine

Updated: 3 days ago

On Friday, the Supreme Court overturned the landmark decision giving federal agencies broad regulatory powers. 

Forty years ago, the Chevron Deference Doctrine gave federal agencies the authority to issue regulations unless Congress has spoken clearly on the issues. It let federal agencies fill in details when laws aren't specific or crystal clear. 

In the 6-3 split decision, the six conservative justices ruling will now make it more difficult for unelected government officials to generate new regulations. 

The Chevron Doctrine had forced judges to Defer legal interpretations of federal agency officials who enforced federal laws they deemed ambiguous.

This decision starts to chip away at the administrative state's powers. The Federal Government's overreaching powers must be stripped away, and this ruling can hopefully start the elimination of the illegitimate fourth branch of government.

By - SC

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