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Senate Dismisses Mayorkas Impeachment

Updated: Apr 17

On Wednesday, April 17th, Senate Democrats quashed the impeachment trial of Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. 

The Democrats voted to dismiss the two impeachment articles less than three hours after his impeachment trial began. The vote went along party lines as the first impeachment article went 51-48 to dismiss and the second article of impeachment was 51-49 to dismiss.

Senate Republicans were upset that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY) would not let a full impeachment hearing come to the floor of the Senate. 

After the 100 senators were sworn in as jurors, Schumer quickly raised points of order to effectively dismiss each of the two articles of impeachment against Mayorkas. Schumer claimed it was unconstitutional and did not meet the threshold of "high crimes and misdemeanors."

Republican Eric Schmitt from Missouri said the Senate majority leader was "setting our Constitution ablaze and bulldozing 200 years of precedent."

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said "History will not judge this moment well."

Senate Minority Whip John Thune of South Dakota said that President Biden and Mr Mayorkas' policies have led to "the worst border crisis in American history."

The Department of Homeland Security which is currently destroying our country from within, came out defiantly claiming this (partisan dismissal) "proves definitively that there was no evidence or Constitutional grounds to justify impeachment."  

"It's time for Congressional Republicans to support the Department's vital mission instead of wasting time playing political games and standing in the way of commonsense, bipartisan border reforms," a department spokesperson said.

In other words, Republicans should just sit down, shut up and let us destroy the country without any accountability. Their vital mission is letting in almost 8 million illegals (Which is what they admit to) and that's not counting the millions of gottaways. It's a sad, pathetic policy as all the left's policies are. Every one of them destroys America, little by little, and have a goal of one party control and want to silence, eliminate or jail anyone who disagrees with their vision of this failing America.

By - SC

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