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Razor Wire In Eagle Pass Deterring Migrants

It appears there has been a significant slow down of illegal migrants crossing at Shelby Park, in Eagle Pass, Texas over the last few weeks, possibly due to the razor wire Governor Abbott ordered to be installed along the Rio Grande. Abbott has stopped Border Patrol agents from cutting the wire and banned them from the area. Texas National Guard has been either telling migrants to turn around and leave, and/or arresting illegals from entering.

In December, Shelby Park was seeing numbers of 3-4 thousand migrants a day, but in the recent weeks, they are only getting a few hundred. CBP has said this Del Rio sector of the border has seen a 76% drop in this area. December apprehension totals in this sector were 71,048, and 16,709 for January. Texas DPS said Mexico has now begun conducting meaningful enforcement, intercepting groups, stopping them from boarding trains and sending them south. This comes after Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s visit to Mexico.

In the last week of January, CBP sources say nearly 72% of border apprehensions have come from Arizona and California. There has been a total of 32,809 at the border and 23,576 were in Arizona and California.

By - FZ

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