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Migrants Arrested In Eagle Pass Today

Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the National Guard apprehended and arrested 30 migrants for criminal trespassing, who used clothing and blankets to get through the razor wire and into the U.S. at Eagle Pass (Shelby Park) this morning.

They were taken to a state processing facility, held in jail until their court sentencing, then after time served, will be handed over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to see if they will be deported.

Even though the Supreme Court ruled in favor of allowing Border Patrol to cut the razor wire just this week, the National Guard still has control of Shelby Park and Border Patrol isn’t allowed to enter into the park.

Lt. Christopher Olivarez, Texas DPS said, “We still are going to restrict the access here at Shelby Park. We’re still going to add additional infrastructure along the river, that is what the National Guard is doing right now, currently they are adding additional barriers to that concertina wire (barbed/razor wire) making those areas more reinforced so that we can prevent and discourage any illegal border crossings.”

By - FZ

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