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Dozens Ransack FedEx Semi Truck In Memphis

Three have been detained so far in the ransacking of a FedEx semi tractor-trailer robbery last weekend in Memphis, Tennessee.

The FedEx driver reported he was at the intersection when several cars blocked the semi tractor-trailer in while multiple men jumped on the back of the truck, broke off the safety latch and began stealing numerous amounts of packages.

Dozens of people ravaged through the semi, stealing and leaving boxes all over the street. Videos show people running through parked cars and pillaging through the truck for packages.

When Memphis Police arrived on the scene, there were boxes and packages all over the road and multiple cars and people on foot were fleeing the scene.

Police got a call from a security team at the Breezy Point Apartments saying they had found 3 men in a white Chevrolet, which smelled like marijuana. Police said the suspects admitted to taking items/packages from the FedEx truck, the men were detained and the investigation is ongoing.

Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland stated, “The court system needs fundamental change to adjust to what’s going on out in the community. The police are arresting them. The courts won’t keep them.”

Authorities are asking the community for any information to assist with this incident.

By - FZ

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