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China Threatens U.S.

Less than a week after President Biden signed into law a bill that would strengthen Taiwan's defenses and included the banning of TikTok, unless the Chinese owners give up the social media app, China threatened to take "resolute and forceful steps" to defend itself.

Lin Jian, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a briefing on Monday...

"We have lodged serious representations to the U.S."

"China firmly rejects the U.S. passing and signing into law the military aid to Taiwan, which seriously violates the one-China principle... and sends a seriously wrong signal to 'Taiwan independence' separatist forces. The legislation undermines the principles of market economy and fair competition by wantonly going after other countries' companies in the name of 'national security,' which once again reveals the U.S.'s hegemonic and bullying nature."

"If the United States clings obstinately to its course, China will take resolute and forceful steps to firmly defend its own security and development interests." 

China has stated it is against the forced sale of TikTok.  Despite its long-standing denial that it poses a security risk, TikTok is considering a lawsuit to overturn the rule. 

U.S. legislators have accused TikTok of endangering national security, gathering user data and propagandizing.

By - SC

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