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AI Girl Reaches Over 100,000 Followers

So, you think you’re following a beautiful model, but are you actually following a human? Meet Milla Sofia, a blonde haired, blue eyed, gorgeous “fashion model” from Finland who, just so happens to be a “virtual influencer.” Milla, generated by artificial intelligence (AI), has been posting to Instagram and TikTok since November 2022.

Sofia has over 100,000 followers on TikTok, over 50,000 on Instagram and a bit below 15,000 on Twitter. There’s yet to be a claim as to who is actually responsible for running the Milla Sofia social media accounts, but in the past few months, the pictures have gotten more realistic. Some say one major tell you are viewing an AI’s account/pictures is that of the hands, they aren’t quite perfected as of yet. Probably not the first thing people are interested in, or looking at though.

Thousands of people are falling for the AI generated accounts of girls with their provocative posts and pictures, but even knowing that, it isn’t slowing down or lowering the amount of followers.

Some of the hashtags at the bottom of the pictures/posts will have at least one, but often a few of either; # aigirl, # aiartcommunity, # aiart, # aigenerated, etc. In fact her TikTok profile has, “24 year old robot (emoji; picture of a robot) girl from Finland. I was made by AI…” The AI influencers, virtual girlfriends and other “virtual tubers” are on the rise and becoming extremely successful.




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